A Very Difficult Road

Landed in Uganda yesterday afternoon and was out of the airport one hour and 30 minutes later.

Started running errands like food and supplies that we need before going to the ministry home.

When I was in the grocery store a young girl of 17 years, and her 6 week old baby, came up to me. She was crying because the baby's daddy abandoned them at a bus station and she had nowhere to go. He said he was going to run to get some things for the baby but never came back.

We took her in for the night but today we put her on a bus to go back home, another place of uncertainty.

So many girls get pregnant here and are abandoned. Today in our talk as a ministry we discussed the need to talk about this issue, but it is taboo to say anything, even if it is your child but teenage pregnancy happens often.

So what do we do...

So as a mom I talked from my perspective. The question came up do I talk about abstaining only or do I talk about protecting from teenage pregnancy or preventing things such as HIV.

Question: how many high school kids have sex in their high school years or how many people truly make it to marriage till they have sex? So is talking about abstaining only irresponsible because we know free will in teenagers is a real thing.

It is hard to think of the future of this girl and baby. It will be a very difficult road.

Ministry is very complicated. You think you're going to do dental education but then how do you leave this topic untouched.

Pray for this girl and her baby.

Always need prayer for guidance and peace of heart .




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